
LyricToy will search for the lyrics of the song you are playing with iTunes.


LyricToy is a program that will search for the lyrics of the song you are playing with iTunes.
This tiny free program is able to detect the title of the song, and then search for its lyrics using your web browser.

A new page will open, and the lyrics will be searched using LyricWiki, Google or MTAudio.

The program WILL NOT display the lyrics in its main window, as you may expect. In that window you will just see the name and author of the song. LyricToy will show you a web page with the lyrics, using your default browser.

LyricToy IS NOT an add-on or plug-in for iTunes. It is a totally separate program that extracts just the title and artist of the song being played from iTunes. You will not even need to install the program, it is totally portable. It is possible to configure any key to be used as a hotkey that will launch the search for the lyrics from the song currently playing through iTunes. This hotkey can be edited anytime, and you can choose to use whichever key that you like.


  • It is free


  • It will be better to be able to view the lyrics directly in the program´s window
Michael Michta
License type:
Open source